
We wanted to share with you some follow-up information from our rece

We wanted to share with you som

We wanted to share with you some follow-up information from our rece

Dear AFSCME DC 37 Retirees Associati


District Council 37 Retirees Chapter Administratorship

The DC 37 Retirees Association’s Constitution requires nine (9) membership meetings annually.

We're excited to share details about our Spring 2024 Retirees education program, brought to you through a Partnership with the DC 37 Education Department and the DC 37 Retirees Association. This program offers a variety of enriching experiences in education, recreation, and social engagement tailored for retirees like you. There's something to suit everyone's interests: health and fitness, history, computer/digital skills and language classes.
An administratorship is a process established under Article IX of the International Constitution, under which the International President is authorized to appoint representatives to assume responsibility for the day-to-day affairs of an affiliate when the affiliate is found to have violated the International Constitution. Under this provision, he may appoint administrators to carry out these responsibilities on his behalf.
On February 22, AFSCME President Lee Saunders placed the Retirees Association of DC 37 under emergency administratorship. This means that the national union has assumed responsibility for the day-to-day affairs of the Association.

Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

AFSCME is teaming up with allies to fight drastic cuts proposed by right-wing lawmakers. More draconian proposals are likely if Donald Trump is elected president in November and his allies seize control of Congress.

As labor unions gain in popularity, workers’ rights remain under threat. But while private sector workers have the right to form unions under federal law, public service workers lack that same guarantee.