
We wanted to share with you som

We wanted to share with you some follow-up information from our rece

Dear AFSCME DC 37 Retirees Associati


District Council 37 Retirees Chapter Administratorship

We're excited to share details about our Spring 2024 Retirees education program, brought to you through a Partnership with the DC 37 Education Department and the DC 37 Retirees Association. This program offers a variety of enriching experiences in education, recreation, and social engagement tailored for retirees like you. There's something to suit everyone's interests: health and fitness, history, computer/digital skills and language classes.

Nursing homes have been especially hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 40% of all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have been linked to nursing homes. But according to a recent study, one factor that determines how fatal a COVID-19 outbreak will be is whether that nursing home is unionized.

Throughout my son’s long career at AFSCME, there have been countless times when I’ve seen Lee proudly wearing an AFSCME T-shirt. Often, these T-shirts feature slogans like “Rise Up” and “Never Quit.”

To Lee, these are much more than just slogans. They’re principles that guide him as president of AFSCME. As his mom, the meaning behind these phrases evoke a long and powerful legacy within our family.

Public approval of labor unions is at its highest level in 17 years, with nearly two out of three Americans (65%) expressing support of unions, according to the latest Gallup poll.

The New York State legislature and Gov. Cuomo have made changes to facilitate absentee ballot voting in the November 3 election.

The Governor signed legislation that allows all New Yorkers to vote by absentee ballot. He also mandated, by executive order, that the state Board of Elections mail a letter to all registered voters that explains how to request an absentee ballot application and outlines the deadlines for returning the ballot.

LOS ANGELES – In a union election victory 17 years in the making, child care providers across California have voted overwhelmingly to be represented by their union, Child Care Providers United (CCPU). A joint effort of UDW/AFSCME Local 3930 and SEIU Locals 99 and 521, 97% of voters chose to join CCPU.

DC 37's Health & Security Plan launched the DC 37 Delta Dental Benefit Plan on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020. Full information on the plan is available on the DC 37 website at 

Here are some highlights

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday joined AFSCME President Lee Saunders and front-line public service workers from states experiencing surges in coronavirus cases to urge the Senate to approve at least $1 trillion in flexible aid to states, cities and towns.

AFSCME joined a virtual gathering of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, a movement that seeks to shift the moral narrative of our country and build power for poor and vulnerable people.